design thinking-04

Design is a continuous challenge to the complexity,  and it requires a solid and flexible way of working. Research, meta-design, scenarios building, generation of the concept, and the whole design development are always carried out in cooperation with the company, to ensuring the project managment and the control of progress phases, costs, timelines and expected results. The design process is increasingly supported by communication tools, charts, sketches, technical drawings, 3D modeling, mock-ups and prototypes.

What we do

Strategic business consulting
Concept ideation
Process optimization
Comunication enhancement
Project management
Brand consolidation
Style and finishing
New materials research
Trend analysis
Sustainable solutions
Full design process

Who we talk to

Our goal is to help and support companies in developing their ideas and their ambition to innovate
especially if

– they don’t know how to start
– they do not have internal resources and skills
– they are afraid when they have to get out of their own patterns

What we offer

Integrated paths of innovation
(strategy, projects, processes, solutions)
. Analysis, listening and observation
. Design driven project development
. Development management and innovation management

“Innovation has become nothing less than survival strategy”

Lets’ find together how to innovate your business

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